
Ayurveda and Cooking Workshop In 2017-Gold Coast Centre

Date:                    Sunday, 9 April 2017

Time:                   2:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Location:           Vibrant Ayurveda, Gold Coast  clinic

Cost:                    $70


Vibrant Ayurveda Gold Coast has the pleasure of presenting our very special cooking and nutrition workshop for 2017. Ayurvedic doctor, Ram Mani Bhandari, will present a seminar on Ayurvedic diet, lifestyle and nutrition, after which he will demonstrate how to cook delicious and balanced Ayurvedic dishes. Then you can enjoy eating the lovely food while Dr Ram is available to answer your questions. Previous participants have commented how much fun they have had at this workshop. At the same time they learned a lot about how to prepare nutritious and delicious food that enhances their health and wellbeing.


Call us to book now for this very popular workshop. Limited spaces available!