

Every 1st Sunday of the Month – 8.30am to 12noon


In Ayurveda, it is believed that what you eat is important, but even more important is what the body is actually digesting, as this is the decisive factor in determining your state of health. It is well known and documented that food has a direct effect on our body and mind. The old age: “You are what you eat” rings true. For this reason, it is not only vital to choose the right food for our personal needs and bodily constitution, but to consume it in such a way and in such a combination that it can be optimally digested and processed by the body. When food is correctly digested, the tissues receive proper nourishment, which in turn has a calming and balancing effect on the mind. The ancient Roman dictum:  “Mens sana in corpore sana” – A Healthy mind in a Healthy body- bears witness to this underlying truth and our aim and hope at the Vibrant Ayurveda Wellness Centre is to help you achieve just that!


With this goal in mind, it is our intention to run a regular series of workshops showcasing the nutritional principles of Ayurvedic Medicine and demonstrate, with the aid of a master chief, the ways in which they can be incorporated into our daily routines and menus.


Our workshops will be held on the first Sunday of each month between February and July.


Each event will commence with a talk on a range of subjects relating to health and well-being by our Ayurvedic doctors. This will be followed by a culinary demonstration, culminating in a wonderful “Ayurvedically” inspired, succulent meal prepared by our master chef for the enjoyment of all participants. The meals will be satwick (food that improves good qualities of mind, free from stimulants like onion and garlic). A sample pack of ingredients and spices according to recipe will also be provided to get you started after each session.


Cost- $70 per workshop


Book 3 workshops for $190 (Save $20)


Book 6 workshops for $360 (Save $60)


The price includes sample pack with ingredients in the recipe in each workshop, morning tea and vegetarian lunch


Workshop Details


 5th April 2015

8.30 – 9.30am Seminar- Introduction to Ayurveda

9.30 – 11am Demonstration- Easy & Balanced meal preparation techniques: “Making Your Own Proteins”.

11am – 12pm Question and Answer Session, followed by lunch


3rd of May 2015

8.30 – 9.30am Seminar-  Balanced Diet

9.30 – 11am Demonstration- Colour therapy in Cooking

11am – 12pm Question and Answer Session, followed by lunch


7th June 2015

8.30 – 9.30am Seminar- Medicinal value of spices in Ayurveda

9.30 – 11am Demonstration- Ancient Indian Secrets

11am – 12pm Question and Answer Session, followed by lunch


5th July 2015

8.30 – 9.30am Seminar- Ayurveda and SuperFoods

9.30 – 11am Demonstration- The Joy of SuperFoods

11am – 12pm Question and Answer Session, followed by lunch


2nd Aug 2015

8.30 – 9.30am Seminar- Vegan Diet

9.30 – 11am Demonstration- The Vegan Tiffin

11am – 12pm Question and Answer Session, followed by lunch


6th September 2015

8.30 – 9.30am Seminar- The Gluten Free Diet Viewed from an Ayurvedic Perspective.

9.30 – 11am Demonstration- The Gluten Free Kitchen

11am – 12pm Question and Answer Session, followed by lunch