
Ayurveda & Cooking workshops – Nov 2

Ayurveda & Cooking Retreat


Date: 2 Nov 2014


Contact : 07-38462272, 0452506389


This will be the last workshop in our 2014 series of “Ayurveda & Cooking workshops”. This workshop will focus on providing a clear understanding of gluten in food and it’s effect on our health. As we all know, gluten is considered one of the most concerning nutrients in our food in recent times. Here we give you a clear understanding of gluten and it’s effects on the body.


The workshop will start at 8.30am with a seminar by Dr. Pradeep Neupane followed by a cooking demonstration by renowned Master Chef Ranchor who will demonstrate some easy to cook balanced gluten free preparations.


Please book asap as places are limited and we only have a few places available.