
Ayurveda lifestyle course-Gold Coast Centre

4 weeks of an intensive natural path to healing


Vibrant Ayurveda Gold Coast proudly announces the commencement of a life-changing course from early 2017


This course is designed for anyone who is seeking a holistic path to well being and balance. Just as the motto of Ayurvedic medicine says, “You are your own doctor,” at the end of this course, you will be certified to be your own doctor, nurse, yoga teacher, cook, nutritionist, psychologist, herbalist and a healer. This course is tailored to meet the demands of a modern lifestyle with the millionaire knowledge of a 5000-year-old science. Lets reveal the secrets of the Ayurveda lifestyle and learn how to heal ailments with natural remedies in your kitchen.


Are you ready to be your master and a holistic healer?


During these 4 weeks, you will deeply go inside the following topics:

  • Fundamentals of Ayurveda
  • Doshas (Mind-body constitution) Gunas (Mind-Constitution) and Vikriti (Imbalances)
  • Ayurvedic rituals, routine, seasonal Regimens
  • Ayurveda diet, nutrition and Cooking
  • Yoga philosophy and Ayurveda
  • Ayurveda pathology and Diagnosis concepts
  • Ayurvedic home remedies and herbal medicine
  • Ayurveda Detox (Panchakarma)


Duration: 3 hours each week.


Instructor: Our experienced team member, Dr. Ram Mani Bhandari will be leading this course. Dr. Bhandari (BAMS) has graduated from a government university in Nepal and did further training in Kerala India. Before joining us in Australia, he was based in Europe and involved in the practicing and teaching of Ayurveda science.


After several years of teaching this course in Nepal, India, Europe, Central America and South America, Dr. Bhandari is ready to share this knowledge at our Gold Coast branch.


Week 1 :  Feb 4 2017

Fundamentals of Ayurveda

  • Identify the philosophical foundation of Ayurveda
  • Understand what is life and know the pillars of life
  • To recognize Ayurveda as a traditional current medical system, the oldest in the world
  • Explain the theory of the five elements, the three doshas and the mental qualities
  • Identify the characteristics of each element and dosha.
  • Identify the factors that change the balance
  • Understand the concept of Dhatu (tissues) and Shrotas (Channels)


Week 2  Feb 11 2017

Find-out & balance your Ayurvedic body-mind constitution

  • To identify the determinants of body constitution
  • Differentiate between body constitution and doshic imbalance
  • Correlate the doshic and mental type
  • Reflect on your own doshic constitution through the use of questionnaires
  • Identify and recognize the best Yoga according to your doshas and imbalances.
  • Describe the characteristics that produce or aggravate imbalances of Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
  • Design a formula to balance Doshas and Gunas with diet and lifestyle
  • Diet according to your body type and imbalances.


Week 3  Feb 18 2017

Learn daily/seasonal routine & home detox

  • Learn how to use Ayurveda in daily life
  • Daily rituals and routines as explained in Ayurveda.
  • Identify the influences of seasonal variations, and helpful seasonal regimens.
  • Understand the concept of toxins and detox
  • Learn how to setup a detox clinic at home and how to do a self-detox


Week 4 Feb 25 2017

Ayurvedic Home remedies

  • Recognize non-invasive processes for determining imbalances and disorders
  • Understand the disease and its stages
  • Learn how to do a self-diagnosis of your tongue, pulse, eyes, nails, etc.
  • Discover the pharmacy in your kitchen
  • Introduction to major Ayurvedic herbs and Ayurvedic preparations
  • Learn how to prepare some home remedies in your kitchen


Summary of the course

At the end of the course, you will be able to understand

  • Life from a holistic view, beyond mind and body.
  • Ayurveda as a time tested medicine
  • Recognise the presence of the basic five elements in everything.
  • Diagnose your original life energy and state of mind, and identify your formula for balance.
  • Nutrition, immunity and how to improve immunity
  • Understand diet as medicine.
  • Manage your life, and learn how to live a healthy, happy and organized life.
  • The need for Yoga in modern life
  • How to make your own home remedies and pick Ayurveda herbs.
  • How to make your own diagnosis.
  • Toxins, Panchakarma and how to do a self-detox.

Cost: $120/week


Offer: Book 4 weeks for $400