
Ayurvedic Kitchen Remedies Workshop

Ayurveda, i.e Science of life is the holistic approach of well-being and longevity. Ayurveda says, your health starts from your kitchen. Let your kitchen be your pharmacy. We have powerful and wonderful herbs and plants growing in our garden and used in our kitchen. Actually, Nature heals us. We just need to connect us to nature and natural resource.


This workshop is an amazing hour to learn how to prepare home remedies using spices and herbs. Don’t miss it to learn the healing properties of kitchen herbs and spices, preparation of home remedies, recipes and remedies for digestive, respiratory, hormonal balances etc.  The course includes theory lectures in addition to practical hands-on experience in the kitchen based on Ayurvedic principles with an experienced doctor Dr. Ram Mani Bhandari.


Ayurvedic home remedies refer to those simple and safe solutions, which can be used to treat common problems and generally make use of natural ingredients, which are readily available in every household.


You will learn how to prepare simple herbal teas, herbal paste, spiced infused drinks and herbal concoctions that treat and/or prevent common day-to-day ailments.


Date: 20th March 2016

Cost: $ 50