
Ayurvedic massage in winter

Ayurvedic massage in winter

Winter days are cool and short. The air is dry, sunshine is weaker, and the earth and water temperatures are cool. From an ayurvedic perspective, we all need to take care of our vata energy in winter to stay in balance. When the temperature drops, people can sometimes experience vata imbalance. Symptoms include anxiety, restlessness, trouble sleeping, dry skin, joint pain, weight gain, and muscle stiffness.


The good news is that massage therapy can be a great tool to help you through the season. Ayurvedic practices like oiling the body originate in texts more than five thousand years old. Ayurveda describes warm oil massage (abhyanga) as an important part of our winter lifestyle and regimens and will support you in the colder season to heal, hibernate, rejuvenate and restore your energy.


Benefits of oil massage

  • Increased circulation, especially to nerve endings
  • Toning of the muscles and the whole physiology
  • Calming for the nerves
  • Lubrication of the joints
  • Increased mental alertness
  • Elimination of impurities from the body
  • Softer, smoother skin
  • Increased levels of stamina throughout the day
  • Better, deeper sleep at night

How is ayurvedic massage especially beneficial in winter?


Immune boosting


During the cold winter, the lymphatic system can be slow and sluggish. Ayurvedic oil massage supports the lymph flow, which is packed with white blood cells or “killer cells”. These “killer cells” fight off infections and bacteria, boosting your immune system during this time of year where many of us get sick.


Dry skin/skin care


Winter can turn your skin dry and ayurvedic oil massage is the proven way to improve skin hydration. The use of oil increases circulation, allowing your skin to absorb essential vitamins, leaving you feeling nourished and hydrated.


Improved circulation


For some people, winter is the season of aches, pains and arthritis. Ayurvedic oil massage helps to improve the blood circulation to the body’s muscles, joints, and organs. A regular massage enhances the blood flow naturally, and improves all the body functions.


Winter blues


The colder weather can also bring some stress, and feelings of sadness, sluggishness and depression. Ayurvedic oil massage is a beautiful therapy to release serotonin and endorphins, which are the hormones that relieve stress and sadness and support you to feel happy – naturally.


Detox your body


Ayurvedic oil massage is a significant aspect of ayurvedic detox (panchakarma). Abhyanga is the stage of moving the stubborn toxins out of our tissues via our blood stream back to the digestive tract. Ayurveda advises us to have a regular oil massage, not only to flush the toxins, but also to prevent the formation of toxins in the first place.


Note– This article is intended for public awareness about the value of ayurvedic massage in winter. Ayurvedic massage is personalised at Vibrant Ayurveda Wellness Centre. Our experienced massage therapist will address your personal needs and care for you this winter.


Don’t let the winter blues get you down this season. Book your massage today!