
Ayurvedic Spice Making & Cooking Workshop- Brisbane Centre

Spices are powerful and concentrated. A small quantity of spices has a large effect. Spices build digestive strength (agni), and detoxify (burn ama). They improve circulation and flush secretions.

The workshop will start with a seminar on importance of different general spices that are very useful to keep in your kitchen. After the seminar, Renowned cooking master chef Ranchor will demonstrate wide varieties of spices and advise you how to combine them in cooking.  He will demonstrate varieties of balanced food cooking techniques by using different spices.

Below are the attractions of the workshop:

  • Understanding the importance of spices in cooking
  • Identifying the wide variety of spices
  • Learning the proper techniques of combining different spices
  • Making your own chai with the spices mix
  • Making your own Curry Masala, Masala Paste, Garam Masala, Chai Masala, etc.
  • Demonstrating delicious vegetarian meals using ayurvedic spices
  • Sharing a healthy morning snack and delicious lunch prepared in the class.

11th of December 2016 ( 9am to 12am)- Spice making workshop

9 – 10am: Lecture by Ayurvedic doctor Ram Mani Bhandari- Medicinal value of spices in Ayurveda

10– 11am: workshop- Identification of spices followed by spice blending methods in cooking

11- 12pm Question and Answer Session, followed by lunch

Cost= $60