
Ayurvedic Therapeutical Massage

Ayurvedic Massage in Brisbane


Ayurvedic Therapeutical Massage

A full body massage using herbal oils selected according to your dosha/constitution and practiced with an acute awareness of the marmas and chakras. This massage moves energy into your body while removing toxins via the alimentary canal. The treatment benefits both your nervous and endocrine systems, enhances blood and lymphatic circulation, improves muscle tone and reduces free radical activity within your body. It also helps to loosen any deep seated tissue toxins and stimulates your body’s natural ability to heal.
Special techniques are applied to release knots, tightness, stiffness and toxins from the muscles and tissues which are beneficial in curing body pain, headaches, stress, anxiety, fatigue, depression, sleep disorders, low energy, muscle stiffness, sports injuries, scar tissue, limited joint movement and arthritic pain, just to name a few.

Duration & Prices:
30 minutes-$55, 60 minutes- $90, 90 minutes-$130, 2 hours-$170