
Planning for a baby!? PANCHAKARMA before conception!

Everyone desires a healthy, beautiful offspring who will live a long, healthy life. Today in our fast, competitive world, parents are longing to give birth to offspring who will have marked excellence in all fields.


But are we aware of how our own body’s health at the time of conception affects the outcome of the pregnancy and birth and child?


Many women today are older when they conceive a child, and many have taken birth control hormones for years. Many women have worked rather than rested during their menstrual cycles. And some have lived a lifestyle that has compromised their hormonal balance. All of these factors play a part in the baseline health of a mother-to-be.


As for men, there is an equivalent set of factors that affect their health’s baseline. Research has consistently shown that the quality and quantity of sperm in men is reduced by excessive stress, chemical pesticides in food, smoking and alcohol consumption, exposure to environmental hazards, and toxins such as pesticides, lead, paint, radiation, radioactive substances, mercury, benzene, boron, and heavy metals.


In Ayurveda, the birth of a healthy child is equivalent to planting a tree. We need healthy soil (a healthy uterus), good seeds (sperm and ovum), and adequate nourishment (good food, healthy lifestyle and nourishment for the foetus and the mother).


Ayurveda suggests panchakarma for all expectant parents.


Panchakarma is Ayurveda’s premier mind-body healing experience. A unique program of deep cleansing, purification and rejuvenation treatments detoxifies the body, strengthens the immune system, and restores balance.


Why do panchakarma?


When there is lot of garbage in your room or in your environment, what is the right thing to do? Hide all the bad stuff by throwing a cover over it, or throw it in the bin to dispose of properly? Obviously, most of us will go for the second option!


It’s the same with panchakarma. We can cover up the toxins or we can choose to eliminate them, clean up our systems and increase our chances of conceiving a healthy baby.


The first step in producing healthy sperm and eggs is to ensure metabolism is working well. This is achieved through a deep internal cleansing to balance the doshas and remove toxins (ama), ensuring optimal metabolism. Virechana is the best treatment.


Who needs virechana and why?


Traditionally, virechana is performed seasonally, or when feeling unbalanced or unwell. Although the body has innate detoxification processes, they can be overwhelmed by ongoing poor nutrition, lifestyle choices and stress, that weaken digestive fire (agni) and lead to the accumulation of ama (toxins) throughout the body. Virechana removes the waste matter gently, taking care not to remove vital substances.


In Ayurveda, virechana is considered a must for anybody over the age of 30. Nobody would question the need for a comprehensive service plan for their vehicle. After a car has reached a certain mileage, we recognise that regular maintenance will ensure continued reliability. Replacing old lubricants, and cleaning and greasing components helps prevent future breakdowns. The same goes for our bodies. A regular detox will


What happens during a virechana treatment?


Step 1: To prepare the body for virechana, the patient undergoes two processes that enable the body to release toxins from the tissues, and draw them into the digestive tract where the body can eliminate them.


The first process is called snehapanam (oleation). The patient consumes medicated ghee or oils, in proportionally increasing quantities, for a period of 3 to 5 days. It is a therapeutic procedure, which prepares the body for purification.


After snehapanam, the patient receives therapeutic massage (abhyanga) for 3 days. The massage is followed by sweating in a special chamber using medicated steam (swedana) during which the head is kept cool while the rest of the body is heated.


Step 2: Virechana: A few hours after taking some laxative herbs, the sensation to go to the toilet occurs and continues for 4-10 times depending on the intensity of the accumulated toxins. The toxins are eliminated as the bowel flushes its contents.


Benefits of virechana treatment


  • Increases enzyme activity, and clears the channels
  • Makes the sense organs active, and improves skin colour and complexion
  • Improves virility and delays the ageing process
  • Nourishes the tissues, enhances strength, and supports longevity
  • Eliminates environmentally toxic substances such as polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs) and pesticides from the body without side effects.

Virechana helps the body rejuvenate rapidly. It also facilitates the desired effect of therapeutic remedies. It eliminates toxins and stagnated metabolic waste, it cleanses the macro and micro channels of the tissues, it maximises the absorption and metabolism of nutrients and drugs, and it helps in minimising their dose and toxicity.


Before you become pregnant, ayurvedic panchakarma treatment will help you detoxify your body, improve your health condition, increase your chances of conceiving a baby, and even support you to have a natural birth.


Note — This information is intended to provide general awareness about fertility and the ayurvedic method of detoxification. The detox program might be different to everyone according to your mind-body constitution and the current status of your dosha. Book an initial consultation with our specialists who can design a detox program made for you.