
Udvartana (Herbal Paste Detox Massage)

Udvartana (Herbal Paste Detox Massage)


Here we bring the very special Ayurvedic detox treatment for you at our centre “Udvartana”!


This is a special Ayurvedic body therapy that is performed on our newly arrived single neem tree wooden table. A unique herbal combination is applied in the form of past in a synchronised way by two therapists for the body massage. The herbal mixture will be selected as per your requirements in order to provide you the maximum therapeutic benefits. The wooden neem table will further enhance the healing and detoxing effects of the treatments as the neem itself has a very many detoxing properties.


How does the Treatment of Udvartana work?


In the treatment of Udvartana, we use herbal powders mixing with oils that are dry and rough in nature and hot in potency.


The oil taken for Udvartana is sesame-based, which is hot in potency and is infused with herbs which create lightness, dryness, roughness, remove the blockages and stiffness, and also have a ‘cutting or liquefying action’ on the fat tissue. This oil also takes care that the skin does not become dry superficially and remains soft and supple after the treatment.


This herbal paste (powders and oils) when rubbed on the body in a specific manner creates friction, which open the pores, remove blockages in vessels, increase the heat in the tissues and percolates inside to stimulate fat metabolism.


Once the paste is rubbed on the body and the massage is over, you will be bathed with therapeutic herbal concoction and then suggested to sit in a herbal steam chamber where the head remains outside the steam chamber, so that you can stay in for a longer time. Over here a lot of excess water is lost from the body by sweating. Also as the pores open the herbal oil mixed with the paste percolates deeper into the skin inducing its fat liquefying properties and doing its work as mentioned above.


If used as a beautification treatment a different set of herbs is used as oils and powders which are extremely rejuvenating for the skin.



  1. Reduced cellulite/ subcutaneous fat tissue;
  2. When taken as a part of a treatment program including a strict Ayurvedic diet plan, regular exercise or Yoga and appropriate internal Ayurvedic herbal medication as prescribed, it helps to reduce weight and gives a well toned body;
  3. Beautiful skin complexion;
  4. Cleanses and revitalizes the skin and removes body odour;
  5. Better skin tone – even if you are losing weight with exercises, other forms of diet etc.
  6. The best benefit of Udvartana, even when taken as a one-off treatment is that, it is one the very few treatments that de-stresses you , but at the same time also have an invigorating effect.(reduces Vata and Kapha);
  7. The blockages in the blood vessels are removed and pores open, removing body stiffness, facilitating better absorption of oils etc. through the skin.

Cost: $250 ( for 90 minutes)

Includes treatments with two therapists, herbal bath and Ayurvedic steam sauna.

  • 4 sessions= $950(save $50)
  • 7 sessions = $1600 (Save $150)